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Finding projects

Having trouble searching projects?

Typing in a keyword in the search box located at the top of the page will show you projects related to the keyword.Also, by clicking the search box, recommended keywords and categories will appear.

Overwhelmed by too many choices?

If you are having a hard time deciding which project(s) to visit, we recommend that you check out some of the “must-see projects”.

Need help with the use of streaming services?

Depending on your account settings and your use of services, your personal information may be collected and disclosed. Please note that we do not take any responsibility or liability for any problems caused through the use of outside services.

Support services on official LINE

Adding us on LINE

By adding us as a friend, you will be able to use support services offered on LINE. To add us, please click here or scan the QR code shown below.

Services offered on LINE

We will answer your questions through automated reply messages. By clicking on the choice that best matches your situation, we will be able to navigate you through the situation.

Support services through call

You can also contact us at the following number.


Frequently asked questions

Please also check our frequently asked questions here.